Iceland – Mountain Performance, Abrams Claghorn Gallery, Albany, CA, 2017

In this performance I projected photos of Icelandic landscapes on a large wall and traced their reliefs – layering hundreds of lines on top of each other. The performance was videotaped and the footage served for a second performance, where I traced lines upon already existing lines, duplicating my own person. This second video performance was projected once more, and a third performance was layered on top of the two previous ones. While the drawn lines become denser, the landscape imagery becomes increasingly obstructed – as well as abstracted, due to loss of digital information resulting from recording the video projection several times.

In this performance I projected photos taken of barren, rugged Icelandic landscapes on a large wall and traced their reliefs – hundreds on top of each other. The performance was videotaped and the footage served for a second performance, where I traced lines upon already existing lines, duplicating my own person, who is now present twice – in real and in the video. This second video performance was projected once more, and a third performance is layered on top of the two previous ones – now depicting 3 of myself drawing lines (1 actual and 2 in the projection that combines the 2 previous performances). While the drawn lines become denser, the landscape imagery becomes increasingly obstructed – as well as abstracted, due to loss of digital information resulting from recording the video projection several times. While details blur, colors are amplified. The landscape seems artificial, otherworldly, provoking both a sense of future apocalypse and reminding of ancient earth history, when glowing masses of magma and toxic vapors spat out of the planet’s deep interior, when layers of the earth’s crust jammed into each other to tower up to build rough ridges.

The layered relief lines add up to become an unruly net of curves as they emphasize the primordial landscape imagery. At the same time they could be read as graphs – depicting anything from earthquake activity and tidal waves to economic imbalances, currency fluctuations and fever curves…

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